Feminist Artivist

art contribution for the IV International Marxist Feminist Conference
11.11.-13.11.2021 | Bilbao | online |  marxfemconference.com

How to become a Feminist Artivist!
Art and activism from a feminist perspective
13.11.2021 | 9.30 -11h

Get to know the artists Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki and starsky, the creators of the artistic contribution for the 4th International Marxist-Feminist Conference. They will speak about their work and answer all your questions. They talk about their means, methods and strategies in feminist art and activism and deliver a manual of self-empowerment.

Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki, born in Tokyo, Japan, living and working in Vienna, Austria. She is a  performances artist, choreograph and dancer. She is artistic director of One Billion Rising Vienna since the very beginning of this movement and since 2015 she is leading the NGO: OBRA – One Billion Rising Austria – an artistic campaign to end violence against women and girls.
https://1billionrising.at/  |  https://www.redsilence.1billionrising.at/
starsky creates monumental feminist text interventions in public space, light installations, polymedial live performances with images, language, communication, and spaces melting into one artwork, a synthesis of individual parts, in which sudden illuminations of short duration remain in the viewers’ emotional memory. https://starsky.at/

You can find all the information about the program and the key-speakers in www.marxfemconference.com.
livewww.facebook.com/MarxFemConference21 Remember that all updates are available in our web www.marxfemconference.com and in our social networks: InstagramTwitterFaceBook and YouTube.

Keyspeakers: https://marxfemconference.com/speakers/